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Explore Magazines. Editors' Picks All magazines. Explore Podcasts All podcasts. Difficulty Beginner Intermediate Advanced. Explore Documents. Uploaded by mbabar Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Bidayat al-Hidayat Urdu translation by Imam Ghazali. Minhaj-ul-Abideen by Imam Ghazali - Urdu translation.

Jump to Page. Search inside document. Kawthar Misk. Omair Riaz. Talib Ghaffari. Uzair Memon. Shahood Ahmed. The Holy Islam. More From mbabar Venkatesan Rangaswami. Mauricio Chavarro. Adeel Ahmed. Muhammad Faisal. Popular in Books And Literature. Racheet Lohani. Marlon Andaya. Whatever book Khawaja Muhammad Islam wrote on the subject of Islam, contains guidance for the people from which every person in the world can benefit.

Khawaja Muhammad Islam, the author of the infamous book Death Scene, was buried in Ichhra Cemetery, while the death scene was read by several eminent personalities, including Shah Faisal, and praised Khawaja Muhammad Islam.

Many capacities discussed in this small, hardback book from India; the anniversary affair is about 1 page in length. Topics: Burial of asleep bodies; Description of the grave and the burial; Visiting the graves; Conditions of 'Barzakh', Horrors of the grave; Torments in the grave; how Angel of Death visits anniversary abode daily; errors in speaking ill of the aboriginal two caliphs; Angels at the time of death; fighter martyrs; the Day of Resurrection; Weighing of Deeds; Zakat; assorted punishments for those who breach Allah's directives; Descriptions of Hell, Rage and Fury of Hell; Food and Drink in Hell; Some prayers to Shun Hell; Glimpses of Paradise; Virility of the Man of Paradise; Women of Paradise; appropriate prayers of the Houris; Adultery; Sodomist is cursed; How Jews created Arabian merchants and buyers.

One is larboard apprehensive which quotes are real, against something maybe distantly remembered by the columnist -- but he couldn't locate a specific antecedent for the quotation.

Due to the abridgment of any specific antecedent citation, I amount the amount of this book actually low. Note: Not all the contents of the book are correct; So this is an unauthentic book. Instead, read Maulana Ashiq Elahi's book "What will happen after death?

Only Allah knows best.


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