Pokemon game sound effects download

Announcer German. Arbok's Voice. Arcanine's Voice. Ash's Voice. Attack Move Sound Effects. Attack Moves Sound Effects. Audience Sounds. Berry Barrel Blitz. Blaine's Voice. Brock's Voice. Bruno's Voice. Bulbasaur Two's Voice. Bulbasaur's Voice. Chatot's Chime-Time Challenge. Chingling's Ring Along. Chloe Japanese. Cloyster's Voice. Common Sound Effects. Deerling's Season Slider. Dewgong's Voice. Diglett and Dugtrio.

Eevee's Tile Trial. Elinn Japanese. Emolga's Apple Adventure. Erika's Voice. Excadrill's Tunnel Trouble. Gary Oak's Voice. Gastly's Hidden Haunt. General Sound Effects. Geodude's Voice. Giovanni's Voice. Glenn Japanese. Gloom's Voice. Golbat's Voice. Gothita's Portrait Panic. Growlithe's Voice. Happy's Voice. Hitmonchan's Voice.

Horsea's Voice. Hypno's Voice. Jake Japanese. Jessie, James, and Meowth's Voice. Jolteon's Voice. Joltik's Super Circuit. Jumpluff's Sky-High Glide. Keith Japanese. Kingler's Voice. Koga's Voice. Krabby's Voice. Lorelei's Voice. Surge's Voice. Magikarp's Ripple Reaction.

Magmar's Voice. Magnemite's Power Pulse Puzzle. Maractus's Blooming Blossoms. Marill's Voice. Maya Japanese. Medicham's Balance Bounce. Mewtwo's Voice. Miscellaneous Sound Effects. Miscellaneous Sounds. Misty's Voice. Munchlax's Berry Bonanza. Nia Battle, Japanese. Nia Battle. Nia Menus, Japanese. Nia Menus. Nia Story, Japanese. Nia Story. Nia Tutorial, Japanese. Nia Tutorial. Nicholas Japanese. Nidoking's Voice. Nidoran's Voice. I have been looking for ChipTune collaboration as of lately, so if you like this loop and are interested, feel free to message me.

Thanks for listening. Description : Another 8 bit synth part inspired by Pokemon Gold. This sample is in the key of D Maj. I haven't been getting as many downloads on these 8 bit tunes but I sure do like writing them.

I used Massive to create the square wave synth that I played this loop with. If you like this loop or don't check out my others, and let me know what you think. Description : Another Chiptune synth part inspired by Pokemon Gold.

I don't know if anyone will actually use this piece or not but I like the sound of it a lot. I created this loop with Massive and Ableton. If you like this loop, check out my others and feel free to make a request. Description : Short 8-bit Pokemon-inspired sample that I made. I don't know if anyone will use this or not, but please post it into the comments if you do! I made this with Massive and Ableton Live 9. Check out my other loops and Thanks for listening. Register Log In. Free Pokemon Loops Samples Sounds The free pokemon loops, samples and sounds listed here have been kindly uploaded by other users.

Filter Find Loops. By Member By Keyword. Loops 1 - 22 of Tags : bpm Trap Loops Piano Loops 2. Tags : bpm Trap Loops Synth Loops 1. Tags : bpm Trap Loops Synth Loops 2. Tags : bpm Trap Loops Bells Loops 2. Tags : bpm Trap Loops Flute Loops 2.


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