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Cobb took it for a sign and went out for his evening sherry an hour early. The screen door slapped shut behind him and he stood uncertainly for a moment, dazed by the late afternoon sun. Annie Cushing watched him from her window in the cottage next door. Beatles music drifted out past her. He was still a good-looking man, barrel-chested and bearded like Santa Claus. Look how happy they are. Annie went back to brushing her hair. She wore it white and long, and she kept it thick with hormone spray.

She was sixty and not too brittle to hug. She wondered idly if Cobb would take her to the Golden Prom next Friday. If only something would happen , she thought for the thousandth time.

I get so tired of being me. At the Superette, Cobb selected a chilled quart of cheap sherry and a damp paper bag of boiled peanuts. And he wanted something to look at.

The Superette magazine selection was nothing compared to what you could get over in Cocoa. Cobb settled finally for a love-ad newspaper called Kiss and Tell. It was always good and weird…most of the advertisers were seventy-year-old hippies like himself.

He folded the first-page picture under so that only the headline showed. Funny how long you can laugh at the same jokes, Cobb thought, waiting to pay. Sex seemed odder all the time. He noticed the man in front of him, wearing a light-blue hat blocked from plastic mesh.

If Cobb concentrated on the hat he saw an irregular blue cylinder. But if he let himself look through the holes in the mesh he could see the meek curve of the bald head underneath.

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