Vivato router setup
SIM card must be inserted on the right side when looking at the front of the router. Power plug must be inserted behind the router. If you experience problems connecting to the router with the information on the back of the router, this information may be changed.
Press reset on the side of the router with a ball pen for about 20 seconds and try again. The default language is English, but you can choose your preferred language. Username is admin and password admin in lowercase. You can ignore it. I know I have chatted with a few of you before, so I will let the rest of you know what I have seen with the Vivato gear. I tested it in an apartment complex setting. Each building was 3 stories tall of typical frame construction with siding and a few bricks on the corners.
We mounted the switch to a lift for testing purposes. At approx 35 ft same as the building , we didn't get much coverage past one building. At 45 ft with a slight down-tilt, we got coverage for approx feet, but not 11mb. On the bottoms of the building two buildings back , signal was lost with a 35mw card. At 50 feet or so, worked a bit better, but not terribly. To light this complex, would have taken a minimum of 3 switches. Ok, that cost isn't so bad vs. Who wants 60 ft.
Not most property owners The key for these to work is getting them HIGH!! Even then, I am not so sure what happens with NLOS folks behind a building or two, even on the bottom floors. Hope this helps Thank you for posting your findings.
There have not been alot of Wisp's that have had a chance to do testing in depth as you have on the Vivato. I had hoped that this technology would have brought more favorable results.
Looking at whats out there it looks to me like Navini has proven itself to be a true NLOS product but the cost is way too much for my budget.
I guess Ill have to stick with microcells for now. Peteo I hate to burst your bubble but Wimax is still going to require truck rolls, unless the customer is right next to the AP. You just can't get around physics. You can bend it a little with OFDM or you can do the mesh thing but they aren't god sends either. As most people know, Vivato is nothing more than a series of wifi cards with a steerable 24 dbi antenna.
It's isn't magic. It's no better or worse than an AP with a 24 db grid on it. At these frequencies you will not be able to penetrate much no matter how much power the thing transmits with. The best way to accomplish what you want is to go lower. But I have to say they are a hell of allot better than what we have now. That's is the whole IDEA, take the legal limits of point to point links and make it work for multi point links! It would be awesome if the FCC would give the mhz spectrum back to the public, but its not going to happen.
Most commented news last week [43] Happy New Year! Private Networks. The Cloud. White Papers. Vivato Bridges, Routes Comment 0. Vivato Wi-Fi System products have local intelligence that allows them to operate as stand-alone devices with complete management, security and Wi-Fi deployment tools; or as a cohesive system when used together.
Vivato's Wi-Fi switches can already be managed in clusters of four; and now, Vivato has extended the Web-based management interface available on its Wi-Fi switches to allow a single console to manage very large Vivato systems with hundreds of devices.