Windows shared folder without login

If you create a new folder on Domain Server, and give your domain account some NTFS permissions and shared permissions on this new folder. When you logon workstation using Microsoft account, and access this new shared folder on domain server, does it pop up a dialog box for entering credentials, asking you to enter your credentials? If so, can you access the new shared folder successfully using your domain account? I've to admit, that I did 2 things yesterday, never a good one to do 2 things almost together, which changed the situation.

I fiddled with the SMB 1. Which seemed to not do anything. And as I had the feeling that these were not solving my problem, I also changed the Accounts: Block Microsoft Accounts group policy setting on the Domain Controller. As the settings looked grey, and where not enabled, I switched it to "This policy is disabled". I then ran GPupdate on the workstation, which failed on the machine settings mostly because the communication between the workstation and the DC is rare, as I normally us the workstation without starting the DC.

However after a while, I noticed I could get to the Shared Folders, but now without being asked for credentials. And I good repeat this over time.

I've tried to reverse the 2 steps, now the SMB 1. So at this moment, when logging on using the Microsoft Account, I can reach the Shared Folders, without entering credentials. I guess it uses the Windows Credentials, as you pointed out with your screenshot, which I did not delete yet. When logging on to the domain account, on the workstation, and attempting to open the Shared Folders, credentials are requested, and when given username without domain name things work as before.

Although things are working, it is not my preference that I get access to the Shared Folders without supplying domain user account credentials. It is my home setup, I've only one workstation, with the luxury of the Windows R2 server with Essentials Homeserver , before that I had a physical Homeserver, running a previous version of the Microsoft Homeserver software. Yep, indeed I provide a domain account, the same account I use when I first logon with a domain account to the workstation.

I think I answered this question already above, yes it did and it still does request credentials, I supply domain username without the domain name in front of the username, and the password. I will do that first and hope to see some effect when using the Microsoft Account when logging on to the workstation. Then I rebooted the workstation. Now, when trying to access the Shared Folders, credentials are requested. And as before, when entering the Domain Account Credentials, access is denied Remove the Microsoft account in Credential Manager.

Add a Windows credential your domain account as below. Logon the workstation using your Microsoft account. Access the shared folder using domain account.

If the access location is server. Or if it does not work above, we can logon the workstation using Microsoft account and map drive on workstation. Deleted both the Domain account and the Microsoft Account Credentials, and created a new entry for the Domain account, see screenshot. Sorry for the Dutch screenshot, as my Workstations Windows 10 is Dutch language.

I verified on the workstation, by logging on to the Domain account, that things from there remain the same, which is the case. Now Administrators from other servers can connect as guests and have access. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. I still get prompted to type in user credentials. Does anyone have any idea why this is and how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance. Best Answer. Brian This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ».

Popular Topics in General Windows. Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off? Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Before you answer, please read on, because the trivial solution does not work if Microsoft accounts are involved.

I have a home network, with Windows 8. No Homegroup. I want to be able to share individual folders on the network, by setting them to shared through File Explorer.

In Windows 7 and Vista, I just go to Network and Sharing Center, enable file and printer sharing, disable password protected sharing, and it all works. In Windows 10 and Windows 8, the same still works, but only if both machines use local accounts. As soon as one of the machines - either the one accessing the files or the one sharing them - uses a Microsoft account, it is no longer possible to access any files or folders on the other machines.

Specifically, if the machine with the Microsoft account tries to access the machine with the local account, it will prompt for a username and password, and access will fail unless username and password of an actual user on the target machine are provided.

Changing the Microsoft account to a local account immediately fixes the problem , with no other configuration changes. This problem is real, and I've reproduced it on several machines, had friends encounter the same problem, and I've found several reports of other users with the same issue, but no solution.

The problem seems to be the same in Windows 8 and in Windows On Window 8. Probably this problem needs to be addressed by Microsoft itself. I have tested and this is still true in Windows 10, so don't expect any improvement. I did not try this extensively for example if you need to have a password protected share instead , as all the shares in my LAN don't need to be password protected, and since there's no wifi, I know that i'm the only one to access the share.

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