Windows7 domena samba
Search Search. What is Samba? We can share a Linux drive with Windows machines. We can access an SMB share with Linux machines. We can share a Linux printer with Windows machines. We can share a Windows printer with Linux machines. In order to install Samba, we will need to log into our Linux server as a user with sudo privileges, or as the root user.
To simplify the steps in this tutorial, we will use the root user. Installation of Samba on CentOS 7. Installed: samba. Configuring Samba. Run 'testparm' to verify the config is correct after you modified it. Other ports:. Now, reload the firewalld service. Configuring Samba for Private Shares.
See smb. About the Author: Isabel Kettnich. Common Fixes Featured Articles Getting Started Other Products Cloud Sites 7. Managed WooCommerce Hosting Managed WordPress Private Cloud 8. Security Bulletins Series Technical Support Tutorials InterWorx 2. This page was last edited on 24 January , at This page has been accessed , times. Content is available under CC-BY unless otherwise noted. Privacy policy About SambaWiki Disclaimers. If you are running Samba Active Directory AD , do not set any of the modifications mentioned on this page.
It has been reported that rolling back to an earlier version of Windows 10 does allow the join to occur. You should plan to upgrade to AD as soon as possible. Anyway, the Samba team recommends to use this workaround. Changing the settings breaks the interoperability with Windows and Samba installations. Nekde delam chybu, jen nevim kde : Pokud nekde znate nejaky postup pro debian, ktery zarucene funguje, tak predem dekuji za pomoc.
Jak jsem jiz psal upravy registru jsem zkousel Aktualni konfigurak uvadim dole. Ted mi to pise po zadani hesla a jmena pro overeni, ze domena nebyla nalezena. Jinak vetsinou to psalo, ze pristup odepren. Je to konfigurak na ubuntu, nejnovejsi verzi. Tak nejak ti nerozumim, co mam tedy spatne? Osobne jsem take mel nejake problemy s pouzitim Windows 7 na Debian Lenny.