Algebra and trigonometry beecher 4th edition ebook
Publisher: Pearson , This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. View all copies of this ISBN edition:. About the Author : Judy Beecher has an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Indiana University and a graduate degree in mathematics from Purdue University. Marvin Bittinger has been teaching math at the university level for more than thirty-eight years.
Professor Bittinger has authored over publications on topics ranging from basic mathematics to algebra and trigonometry to applied calculus. His hobbies include hiking in Utah, baseball, golf, and bowling.
Professor Bittinger has also had the privilege of speaking at many mathematics conventions, most recently giving a lecture entitled "Baseball and Mathematics. Professor Bittinger currently lives in Carmel, Indiana with his wife Elaine.
He has two grown and married sons, Lowell and Chris, and four granddaughters. Buy New Learn more about this copy. Access your book immediately! Tell me about Rentals.
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It was then that the folks at Wiley lured me into writing. My goal was to write a book that is seamless with how we teach and is an ally not an adversary to student learning. I wanted to give students a book they could read without sacrificing the rigor needed for conceptual understanding. The following quote comes from a reviewer when asked about the rigor of the book:.