Bull card games rule shit

I hope this helps. Hi Dee, while you cannot lie about the number of cards you are discarding. I do not believe there is an official rule stating you must tell or show other players how many cards you have remaining in hand.

What do you do if two or more players call bs simultaneously, and are all wrong? Do you evenly divvy up the pot between them? Hi Nemo, only one player is allowed to call bs. If more than one player called it then the player closest in turn order would be the one to flip the card. If they are wrong and the card declared was what was flipped, then they must take the stack of cards into their hand. And a player calls bullshit.

Who takes the cards? Had a huge debate about it. Hi Mac, the player who declared 2 9s would automatically take the cards as a penalty for an illegal play. You must follow the ranking order and declare the next number in line, and since he did not do that and instead declared an illegal number, he would have to take the cards regardless of what he actually had. I hope this helps, happy gaming! Hi Calvin, if no one has gone out and won then yes you restart the rank order from the beginning.

So 3 of us are playing. Person to the right has 4 8s. And person to the left has the rest. For your circumstance specifically, you may just have to play until the hands become more diverse for proper gameplay. It can be the dealer, the person with the ace of spades, the two of clubs, or whoever has the most cards if the distribution wasn't quite even.

This person lays a card or several down on the table and tells the other players the type of card they just used. The person who goes first should always start by laying down an ace or a two. Continue putting down the cards clockwise in consecutive ascending order.

For example, if the first player put down one or more aces, the next player should put down one or more twos, the third should put down three or more twos, and so on.

When it's your turn and you put down your cards, you have to say, "One ace," "two twos," or "three kings," and so on. You may not actually have the cards that you need to put down -- the fun is in faking it. If you say you've put down 3 of a card you don't have, it's likely that a player will have at least 2 of the card and will know you're lying and will call "bullshit! Let's say it's your turn to put down queens, and you happen to have two of them.

Say, "What am I again? Your goal is to make people believe you when you're lying, and make them doubt you when you're telling the truth. Call "bullshit" on anyone who you think is lying.

If you know someone is lying because you have the cards they claim to have in your hand, because they're getting low on cards, or just because you have a feeling they're not telling the truth, then call "bullshit! This entails an accusation and reveal, in which the person who just played is required to turn over the cards they just put and show everyone else what they actually are. If the cards aren't what the player said they were and the person who called "bullshit" was right, the lying player takes all the cards from the pile and adds them to their hand.

If the cards are what the player said they were and the accuser turns out to be wrong, all of the cards in the pile go into the hand of the accuser. If two or more people call out the player in question and they are wrong, the pile is divided amongst all the accusers.

Continue play after "bullshit" has been called. After "bullshit" has been called, another round starts with the last person to play. As the game progresses, it will become more difficult to get away with lying during a round, especially if the amount of cards you have keeps decreasing.

In the end, it will come down to luck and how good your poker face is--just try not to make any moves that are too risky, and don't call "bullshit" unless you're fairly certain the person playing has indeed lied about their cards. Win the game by playing all of the cards in your hand. Once one person has played all the cards in their hand, they are the winner. Of course, most people would call "bullshit" on the last play of the game, but you can get around this by making your final play very subtly and quickly, or by calling "bullshit" on the person right before you in hopes of starting the next round.

Bullshit really is all about strategy, and the more you play it, the better you'll get. After one player wins, you can continue playing until there are two or three people left if that's how you decide to play.

If you only have one card left, don't announce it in advance or let people know that you're about to win. You can also take the bold strategy -- if you only have one card left, you can pretend to count off and say, "Oh, perfect! I only have one three! Method 2.

Play with two or more packs shuffled together. This is ideal if you're playing with five or more people. It'll make the game last longer and it will be harder to tell who is actually bluffing.

This is a great way to recycle decks not suitable for normal card games. Change the sequence of ranks. Instead of playing the cards in ascending order of rank, play in descending order of rank. Start with twos, and then move back to aces, then kings, then queens, and so on. You can also play by going with the next highest or the next lowest rank of the person who went before you.

So, if that person puts down a nine, you can put down a ten or an eight. This will make it easier for each player to actually put down a card he or she has. Allow players to put down more cards than they said they had. This rule should be decided before the game starts to avoid any accusations of cheating. If this rule is in effect, a player can say he's putting down three cards, for example, while sneaking in a fourth card. You can still call "bullshit" on this player to check if he actually put down the correct amount of cards; if he lied, then he'll have to take the pile.

Allow players to put cards down when it is not their turns, but not the most recent player. Follow all of the same rules, but anyone can go at any time if the player who should go takes too long. Allow people with all four cards of the same rank to discard them off to the side, when its their turn, face up, telling everyone what rank it is. This helps make a shorter game. If you have for say, 3 nines, try to call BS when someone puts down the nine, hopefully it has a nine, then you can discard the nines.

This is great especially if the pile has 3 cards, excluding the nine. Then, the number of cards in you hand goes down. Once the rank is put discarded, skip it next time. So if you or someone else discarded nines, it will go 7,8,10,etc, as long as those ranks are still in the game. Yes, they can. Because of it, you should avoid lying about how many cards you lay down, especially if it is easy to see. After the challenge is resolved, play continues in normal rotation: the player to the left of the one who was challenged plays and calls the next rank in sequence.

The first player to get rid of all their cards and survive any challenge resulting from their final play wins the game. If you play your last remaining card s , but someone challenges you and the cards you played are not what you called, you pick up the pile and play continues. If there are a lot of players, you may use two or more packs shuffled together. For some people the sequence of ranks which have to be played goes downward rather than upward, beginning A, K, Q, J, 10, Some people play that you can claim to play either the next rank above or the next rank below the rank announced by the previous player.

For instance if the player before you played some cards an said "two tens", and you do not wish to challenge, you have a choice of playing jacks or nines. Some allow cards of the same rank as the last card to be played, as well as the next higher or lower rank.

It would therefore be possible to play the whole game without lying, but then it would take you more turns to get rid of your cards than a player who was able to lie successfully.

This version is normally played with several decks shuffled together, so that a player can claim to play a large number of cards of the same rank without it being an obvious lie.

This game is described in Mae Channing's blog. Some play that you can try cheat by playing more cards than you claim to have played - for example say three eights while playing three eights and a jack. This can be challenged in the usual way and you pick up the discard pile if your play did not match your call.


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