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How-To Magazine Display. Multiple Media Fixture. Metal Platform. Mobile Produce Display. Parson's Table. Promotional Table. Rolling Wire Basket. Rolling Garment Rack Adjustable Height. Rolling 2-Liter Freestanding Bottle Display. Rolling Double-Sided Gondola Merchandiser. Rolling Around Oil Rack. Revolving Round Rack. Shoe Bench with End Mirrors.

Spinner Rack on Casters. Seasonal Grid Fixture on Casters. Specialty Display Table. Pegboard Spinner Rack. Trial Size Basket Displayer. Tubular 4-Way Merchandiser. Tube Line Rolling Display. Wine Display Half Round. Wire Wine Display. Wood Wine Display. Hyper Maxi Starter. Maxi Line Wraparound End. Maxi Line Angled Shelf Starter. Maxi Line Angled Shelf End. Maxi Line Concave Shelf Starter. Maxi Line Concave Shelf End. Maxi Line Convex Shelf Starter. Maxi Line Convex Shelf End. Maxi Line Transition Big to Small.

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OpenTTD requires a separate base graphics set to run, which can be downloaded through the installer Windows or on first run Windows, Linux. In case you want to manually download and install it, some options are:. Sound and music sets are recommended but not necessary. Additional graphics, sound, and music sets can be downloaded via the ingame content download manager. Please refer to the readme for more information. You can use these checksums to check whether the file you downloaded has been modified.

All three checksums should match the file you downloaded; if this is not the case it means that either the file didn't come from us or that it got broken during transport.

Either way it might possibly contain dangerous modifications and the file should therefore not be trusted! These files are not required to play, and do not add anything to the game.


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