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What is the difference between them? He lives in Toronto. He's living in New York at the moment. They 9 to Canada thirty years When A sandwich. When they first 'O , they" any Why.. For two weeks. They worry about me. How much 1 My brother. How long? The blue one. It's mine. Toronto and for a Master's degree, and then I hope to get a good job.
Grammar Reference 1. Choose the correct word. Listen to the sentences. S Not a lot I studied English at school, but I didn't learn much. If the word is WJMKrl sho ut 1! Now I'm stud ying in a language school here. If the word Is Wbo'sl shout 2! S The Shakespeare School of English. Quest ions about you I A good name! Your English is very good now. S Thank you very much. My teacher's called David.
He's great. Write it in. What you like doing in your free time? S Well, actually, I was a teacher, a history teacher. I taught children 2 Do you like listening music? S Sometimes as many as I Goodness! That's a lot. S Usually I go every two months, but this mo nth my brother is 8 What your teacher wearing tod ay? I'm very excited I'm going to show him round.. Find examples of present, past, and future tenses in the interview.
Roleplay the interview with a partner. Discuss your list with a partner. Look at the pictures. Who are they talking to? Who are they talking about? When and where did they meet their oldest fr iend? What did they like about them? Make notes after each conversation. Answer the questions about the people. How many? Check your answers with a partner. How do you think most couples meet? Look at the chart and match a line with a percentage.
This week How did they meet? Will they ever meet again? Did anything surprise you? Talk about couples you know. How did!. Look at the pictures and read the introduction. Group B Read wh at Dominic says about Sa11 ,. Answer the questions in your group. Were they both nervous when they met? What do Sally and Dominic have in common?
What don't ther have in common? What nappened next? Take a class vote. What did they do? He was friendl y, tall. She smiled a lot. She has a lovely attractive. We laughed togethe r from t he start, smile and amazing green eyes. I think she was a bit think because we were both a bit nervous. I loved her red dress - it was very red indeed.
Wha IJI you talk abOut? So many things - places What did yot. Everything - travel, we both we want to travel to, such as South America. Sally hates it; sport. Unfortunately Dam doesn't play much spo rt, but I hate it , Sally loves it, but I am training to run the marathon he's going to run the marathon t his year.
His acting - for charity; t he theatre, I have a small part in a small theatre I don't often go to the theatre so I didn 't have a lot to say. Any difficult moments? I couldn't decide how to Any difficult moments?
Not really. Oh yes, I could greet him when we first met. I shook his hand and he see t hat the waiter knew it was a blind date. That tried to kiss my cheek. That was a bit embarrassi ng, was embarrassing.
Very good. I like a girt who Good table manners? Yes, very. He couldn 't use enjoys her food and she could use chopsticks. I was chopsticks, but he tried.
Best thing about him? He was chatty and funny. He Best thing about her? The green eyes! And she was didn' t just talk about himself, he asked me questions. It really easy to talk to.
She was interested and interesting. She didn't just talk about sport. Did you go on somewhere? Just to the square Did you go on somewhere? Well , we didn't go far. There was a piano with a notice W e found a piano - they are all over the city at the moment 'Please play me' - so Dam did.
He can play the piano with signs saying 'Please play me'. I played, but I'm not very very well. It was a great good. Sally sang, she can't sing at all. We made a terrible way to end the evening. It was good fun. Then she caught the bus home. He lives out of town , Marks out of She can't sing, but I like her. Would you like to meet again? She left Marks out of 10? I liked him more and more as the evening Vocabu lary progressed. Sally was interested Sally was interesting I because she was funny and made him laugh.
Thank you. Use a dict ionary. Verbs of similar meaning Prepositions I Choose the correct verb fo r each line. He comes from Istanbul He never shuts up! Where can r some sun cream? Words with two meanings 4 Look at these sentences.
I met my husband on a blind date. I Listen to some sample answers. Read the expressions. Where are the people? A 'Hi, Anna. Is that seat freer B 'I'm fine. How are you? Pay attention to stress and intonation. See you later! What's the problem? Of course. Perhaps another time. Same to you.
I can't come tonight. About 9. How do you do? You're here now. I 8 Bye! Have a good weekend. My pleasure. Good mormng. Pleased to meet you. Here's to your new job! Continue them if you can and act them to the class. Good mOnlillgl d Thanks a lot.
I'm excited, but a bit nervous. What about that? U'f If s: goUsg to raill 'gaill i Thanks. Are you doing anything special? I missed the bus. II1II Listen and check. What's r-emarkabJe about them? Who likes going to clubs? How old is she? What does she look like? What does her fami ly think of her?
Howald was he when he started it? What does his charity do? Whkh two present tenses are used in the texts? Find examples of both. Which refers to all time? Which refers to now? He makes a lot of money.
He kas his own company She's making another Single. She's having a good time. Is have got more formal or informal? More spoken or written? Grammar Rmrenct 1. Ask and answer questions about Ruth and Fraser. His company makes jam - 3 How many childrenlhave? The business is growing fast - four flavours at the me,mEmt, aD Listen and check.
Does she like parties for old people with live being famous? What do her friends think of her job? Complete the sentences. I've got 2 I an old woman in an old people's home And we're trying to get into 3 Because it me happ '!
What does he like about his work? What does he say about friends and family? Complete the interviewer's lines. What are they talki ng about? How are the forms different?
Ask and answer questions about these things. With a partne,r. State verbs Check it 4 Some verbs don't usually take the Present Continuou s. Complete S Tick. D Angela live with her parents. D Where you go on holiday? Sorry: 2 I'm thirsty! Where did you get it? D She no works here anymore. He waits for a bus. I think he's ver y clever: D He's at the bus stop. He's waiting for a bus. I her. S 0 I'm liking black coffee.
He a house in Mayfair. D 1 like black coffee. What's the matter? You don't look a day over 60! Match a Verb and a Phrase. Phrase Phl'ilse play I lib playiftg sa I like shopping in the High Street, but mainly I shop onf.. Indian , I think. I three times a week. What is your idea of a perfect day? Make notes. Talk about your perfect day.
What are the people doing? Why are they happy? I What does happiness depend on? Do you agree? Write one of these beadings above each section. Whit do f OUthink!
Work in groups. What makes you happy? Do you know how to make yourself happier? And you can actually be happier. It just need. Do the quiz and find out how happy you are. Bring in forma tio n and pictures to class. TeU the others about your person. I usually h a holiday at least once a year. I get pleasure from lots of different things - art, nature.
Read the ideas. Do rou agree or disagree? A good neighbour is someone who Discuss fOur idOlS in small groups. Two neishbours 3 IIII! Read the- questions. Answer the questions. What doesn't he wear? What time does he get up? Where does she live?
What's he doing now? Check rour answers in small groups. How does he answer questions What differences are there? S In your groups.. Roleplay a conversation between Alfie and Mrs Crumble where they actually get to know each other. A Hello. I'm Alfie. You're Mrs Crumble, aren't you?
C Oh, Alfie, hello. I don't usually see you in the mornings.. Listen to the conversations between two students and two teachers. The teachers are trying to be friendly. Which conversatio n is more successful?
I miss. They're new. It's a interesting city. How does B keep the conversation going? Cover B, then A. Remember the extra lines. Keeping a conversation going S Work with a partner. Begin a conversation with one of these lines. Keep the conversation going as long as possible.
What's in the news? Which are regular? Which are irregular? Amazing journey ends after 6, miles Ed Stafford ' bWlm. Camana on the Pacific coast of Peru. Write the questions. The Uow far did Ed walk? Practise the questions and answers with rour partner.
S Read Cho 's story. Who is Cho? Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Complete these sentences. I Coo was working in the forest when he Ed's blog 7 Write the questions.
Ask and answer them with your partner. The snake's go in and out. I was terrified. One bite and you're dead in 3 hours. His companion was Gadiel 'Cha' Sanchez be on their land. We 10 leave as fast as Rivera, a forestry worker from Peru.
Cho said, 'When I first met Ed, I was working in the forest. I thought he was crazy, but I wanted to help him and be his guide. I explained he was an adventurer and he was walking hammock last night hying to the Amazon. They decided he was crazy, Monkeys 12 saeam in the trees, and millions of mosquitos 13 buzz round my The Past Simple expresses a completed action in the past.
I " take a sleeping piI and finaIy Ed walked the Amazon. He beean his journey in Cho was working in the forest when he met Ed. Compare these sentences. Go online and fmd out more about Ed. Were your I had a shower last night. What else did you learn? I was having a shower when the phone rang. Grammar Reftrtn t 3. Tell a partner. We stayedjn a hotel They stopped Listen and practise the sentences.
Notice the pronunciation of was and were. What was she wearing? They weren't enjoying the party. Discussinx grammar Talking about the news What do When we arrived, me WI5 making some coffee. When we arrived, she made some coffee. I read a good book in bed last night. Texting Woman I was reading a good book in bed last night. Chinese vase sells 2 While 1 shopped I was shopping this morning. Read the article on 'I was skiing I skied and I hit I was hitting a tree.
Tell your story to the 8 Did you have I Were you haVing a good holiday? DON'T read it! The other students can ask questions. Which of these news topics interests you most? Do you listen to the radio? Which station?
What is the first story about? The second? Write a number Choose one of the news stories. What else do you want to know? Think of more questions. Write the questions on the board. S l1li Listen to the news stories. Which questions were answered? One student should write the exact words on the board. The other students help. You Micsed out a word. That icn't how you spell ttI. Do some research. In the next lesson, bring in pictures and articles.
Tell the class about the story. Be prepared to answer questions. What makes you lose your cool? What made him lose hi s cool? In groups, write some sentences about the story. Compare ideas. As the Airbus A was taxiing slowly on the runway, a passenger stood up to get her luggage. Mr Slater told her to sit down, but she refused The businesswoman was taking her case out of the overhead locker when it hit Mr Slater on the head.
He started bleeding, and it was then that the flight attendant lost his temper. He marched to the front of the cabin and spoke furiously over the plane's PA system, saying, 'That's enough!
After 28 years in this business, I quit! Mr Slater then ran to his car and drove home. Police arrested Mr Slater at his home a short time later. What did the femal e passenger do? How did he react? How did Steven Slater leave the plane?
Was this a very important story? After each one, answe r the questions Why do you think it was in the newspapers? Retell the story in more detail. What do you think? Why was it such big news for a week? Do you think he paid a fine or went to prison? Look at the article on piSS for the answer. Do you think this was fair? How does the Steven Slater story illustrate this? Slater has messages from millions of people Us!
Steven Slat Peopfe wrote how much they admired him. Including other cabin As he was leaving a Bronx police station, aaw. He could face up to How did they show their suppo rt? Why d id the public admire him? W hat did other cabin c rew say? Ex-flight attendant Folk hero Slater relaxes on the beach to get TV Show Ex-flight attendant Steven Slater baseball cap 35 he talked to spent the weekend relaxing on Steven Slater is in talks to get his own excited fans on the beach near 1M beach.
He was having a his home in New York. TV production company Stone Entertainment wants to give the couple of beers and enjoying Yesterday supporters shouted. What actually happened on the beach?
What did Steven Slater do to deserve being ca1led a folk hero? Underline the adverbs. Match a verb in A Try to remember the sentences. S Correct the word order in these sentences. Is this a fast train to london? I worlc hord and play hord. She speaks very weU English. Slow down! You drive too bst! She's a very hard worker. I sot up Complete 5 Never r can remember her name. I cleM complete quiet good slow bad honest my periect 6 Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentences. I My grandma is 75, and she goes swimming.
S forget something Heat it gently. When it is ready, serve the scrambled eggs with toast. They're on Facebook. My dad's on Facebook. When's your birthday? What's your date of birth? What year were you born? DEI Listen and compare. Whirs the date today? July 25 - ft's MY wtddi"9 ivusary.
When did you last.. Apiece of Con you come for dinner? Who had the healthiest diet? For brMktad I, SOMa ur Do they cook any of their food? Claus Bonrich 33 and his wife Elvira 28 all! Claus 15 a software programmer and Elvira works in a health food shop. In many ways their lifo! They want to live until they all! And they believe they can do this by following an American health pian called the 'Calorie Restriction Diet: Claus and Elvira eat a lot of raw food.
They steam some food but they don't fry, grill, or roast anything. Which can't you count? Label the nouns look at the expressions of quantity in A, B. Which Countable and Uncountable. Which go wTth uncountables? Which go wTth both? How many When do we use them? Correct the senteoca. There are fffiIfl ' books in my bag. X There', I 1 look at these sentences.
Is there any orange juke? Can I have some orange juke? Read and complete the questions and answers about the diet with the nouns from exercise 2. Do you think the Bonrichs eat and drink the things in the box? Discuss with your partner and complete the lists.
A No, we don't eat any eat some at all. A Yes, of course, we eat lots of raw 5 Q Don't you cook any vegetables at all? Sometimes we steam a few "'ud and a little 6 Q And what do you drink? A About 1, A That's about 1, fewer than most people. Practise the questions and 6. Listen and find out if your ideas were correct. Will the Bonrichs live answers with your partner. How old were they? Just half a dozen.
Two or three. He's a millionaire. My grandfather lived until he was years old. He was a shopkeeper. He had a son and a daughter. The daughter is my mother. The family lived above -4 Complete the lines with the correct word. My grandfather made the best fish and chips in the area. I met who knows you! There's in my eye! He worked hard, 'Let me look. He didn't retire until he was 78 years old. I cou1dn't find I liked: lID Listen and check.
Practise them with a partner. S l1li Listen. There is a word missing in each sentence. Call out what it is. Say the complete sentence. Join the lines about the grandfather with the. My ptdf. He lived in north of EJ18Iand. Find some examples of these rules in the text. His family lived above shop. Ittmido Some people came by bus to the shop.
Read the lines aloud to a partner. Dis U5Sins grammar Work with a partner. We had best time ever. I work at home on my computer. S I do all my shopping on lnternet. Check it 3 Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it. I He's postman, so he has breakfast at 4.
S ' Where are the children? What are they? Where did people in your country eat and drink hundreds of years ago? Look at the pictures and the Fact Files. What's unusual about the three restaurants? Group A Read about Dinner in the Sky. Group C Read about sBaggers Restaurant. Answer the questions about your restaurant. Is it good? SOm up in the air 6 Are there any problems? They sit at a huge table w hich hangs from listening a crane fifty metres in the air. It's not a good idea for people who are afraid of heights or for those who don't :5 o g Listen to people who visited the restaurants.
The twenty-two Answer these questions after each person. What was good about it? The restaurant opened in Belg ium in , but now has What wasn't so good? What do they say about the other guests? David Ghysels, the Belgian organizer says, 'We realized that people were bored with going to the same old Ale:u. They wa nted to try something different. The sky's the limit with us! The food is delicious, but most guests don't feel like eating until after a few drinks!
Then they also get the courage to look down at the ground w here tiny people are looking up in amazement and waving. What do you think! Dinner in the Sky is very exciting and the food is good, Which would you like to visit? For example, even in quiet weather conversation is difficult because of the wind. Do yoo eat out? How often? Whafs your favourite resturant? Guests shout to each other across the table. Also, the Do you know any unusual restaurants?
Tell the class. You can't go to the until the table descends again. Difficult for some! But later, back on earth, after a visit to the loa, the guests have a great experience t o talk about. It's a resta urant w it h no Indian Ocean. It haa means 'pearl' in the Maldivian waiters to serve you. You do everyth ing for you rself with la nguage and the guests are like pearls in a glass oyster.
It opened in and is the first automated restaurant in the world. However, 's Baggers credit card and go to sit at is easy to get to. You don't need to be a swimmer or a a big, round table with t hree or four scuba diver, but you do have to wear formal clothes.
You computer screens. The manager, Carl ton 5chieck says, 'We have used You don 't see the chefs. They are in t he kitchen high above aqua rium technology to put diners face-to-face with the you. They're real men, not machines at least not yet. The sh. Words that go together a prescription p69 You shouldn't drink coffee at night.
What i f. Infinitives Describing feelings and situations He's such an Idiot! Purpose frightening, frightened I've spent so much I went to the shops to buy some shoes.
Never mind. I might go to America. I haven't a clue. How long have you been selling The Big Issue? Word formation I'm afraid he's out. Adverbs He's run five miles, p mainly, possibly, exactly, carefully p 14 Love you and Past Perfect Words in context pi 16 Saying goodbye leave you They had met only one week earlier, p Have a safe journey!
An interview with a woman Adverbs WB p68 p96 who heard voices p98 Writing a story 2 WB p68 Telling stories - tell the class a ghost story p98 A funny way to earn a living - Information gap - Steven Spielberg Giving news - a telephone Writing letters a rollerskater in a p conversation between Craig Expressions in different kinds of supermarket, a beachcomber, Discussion - What is a good job?
Where were you born? A year ago. What do you do? Three times a week. Are you married? In Thailand. Why are you learning English? Because I need it for my job. When did you start learning English? I'm a teacher.
How often do you have English classes? No, I'm single. I 1 Tenses and questions from Bologna, a city in the north of Italy. I'm a student at the University of Bologna. I also know a little Spanish, so 'm enjoying 'm going to work live started I 3. After I graduate, I 8 as a translator. I hope so, anyway. Carly Robson 2 live? I study at home. A part-time job. What is the difference between them? He lives with his parents. She's living with an English family for a month.
Because I wanted to. Last night. By bus. How many In New York. How much The black one. It's mine. Grammar Reference 1. Make more questions. Use some of the question words in the Grammar Spot on p7. Ask your teacher some of the questions. Use the text about Maurizio to help you. Getting information 4 Your teacher will give you some information about Joy Darling, a postwoman. You don't have the same information. Ask and answer questions. She drives postwoman thirty years ago, when a van because she delivers letters to she was She drives a van a lot of small villages.
When did she start working as a postwoman? Thirty years ago. Why does she drive a van? Because she delivers letters to a lot of small villages. Check it 5 Choose the correct verb form. Information in brackets.. The pronunciation in helps you to find the right The translation phonetic symbols translation. Write noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, or past tense. Write two sentences that show different meanings. Use a dictionary. Sentence 1 Sentence 2 book I'm reading a good book. I booked a room at a hotel.
Look around the room you are in. Find five things you don't know the words for in English. Look them up in a dictionary. Your teacher will give you some ideas to communicate, but you can't use words! Mime to your partner, and your partner has to guess what they are. Read the text quickly and match the headings to the paragraphs. What can they do? What can we do? What do you think? We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces.
There is also the phone including the mobile! Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas. Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can't hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We have language - about languages, in fact.
We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present. They were very good at public speaking, drama, and philosophy.
Radio, film, and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn't.
Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day. Complete the questionnaire on the right, then discuss your answers with a partner. What does this mean? Do you agree?
Work in two groups. Is it a good job? Compare your answers with a partner from the other group. What are the differences? Roleplay Work in groups of three. Student A You are Steve. Student B You are Mrs Snell. Student C You are another neighbour. You have invited them to your flat for coffee.
Continue the conversation below. Talk about these - things. Steve Well, we met a few days ago. Mrs Snell But we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Mrs Snell Steve Pleased to meet you. Neighbour Steve works in advertising, you know In groups, compare ideas. I'm sorry I'm late! Don't worry. Come and sit down. Match the expressions and responses. When do we use these expressions? How are you? Sleep well! Hello, Jane!
Can I help you? How do you do? Good morning! See you tomorrow! Fine, thanks. Good night! Pleased to meet you, Ela. Not at all. Don't mention it Hello, I'm Ela Paul.
Same to you! Excuse me! That's very kind. Thank you. Bless you! Have a good weekend! Thank you very much indeed. Hi, Peter! Make yourself at home. Practise saying them. Say an expression. Can your partner give the correct response?
Read your conversations to the class. Write the name of the country. Match a country from the the world, but it has a population of Starter with a text and a photograph. It is so big that there is Complete the texts with the words from a of climates. Most people live in the boxes. It is famous for its beautiful I exports enjoy immigrants huge] mountains and lakes - it more This country has quite a small lakes than any other country.
Their population, just 16 million, but the sports are baseball and ice hockey. The people are mainly of European descent, but elephants grows black climate there are also aborigines and a lot of j south-east Asian. People live This country has a population of about in towns on the coast, not so much I 45 million.
Of these, 76 per cent are inland, because it is so hot. They and 12 per cent white. It has a live a lot of their lives outdoors, warm. Either it never rains, or it and sports, swimming, and rains a lot! It is the world's biggest having barbecues. This country producer of gold, and it exports wine and wool - it has more diamonds, too.
It a lot of fruit, than 60 million sheep! In the game reserves you can see a lot of wildlife, including lions, , zebras, and giraffes. Match a country from the Starter with a description and a photograph. Remember three facts about each country. Which refers to all time! Which refers to now? She has three children. She's having a shower.
And in d and e? Is have got more formal or informal? Do you have a car? No, I don't. Have you got a car'? I don't have a computer. I haven't got a computer. Student A Look at this chart. Student B Look at the chart from your teacher. Ask two or three students your questions. Use short answers when have posters on the wall cook magazines necessary. Find out who has the most clear up the mess go a meal hobbies and holidays.
Living room Bedroom 3 [ ] I'm Hans. I'm coming from Germany. I come from Germany. Everyone is dancing. Everyone 3 Do you like where you live? Choose your favourite room. What do you dances. I like my bedroom a lot because I've got lots of posters on the walls. I listen to music and do my homework I like my living room. The walls are white, and I love the big, comfortable sofa Don't say which room it is.
Can your partner guess? Write down the first five things you think of. Then work in three groups. Group A Read about Roberto. Group B Read about Endre. Group C Read about Yuet Tung. Compare the three people. What would you miss if you lived abroad? What do they like about it? What do they find different? At first he Rutgers University, New Jersey. But now he years ago. Now she works has a successful business with his come here for two years.
Roberto's girlfriend is so they decided to stay. Long Island. They don't have any now his wife, and they have two children yet. What does she think of living in schools.
Now I go everywhere Kong. It's a busy city, very exciting, US, Roberto says without hesitation, by car. I like the 'Because I want to work hard and car at weekends, but here your car stores here. They're huge, and it's be successful. Nobody walks cheaper than Hong Kong. But you hard. He's at the store all day, then anywhere.
In Hong Kong works as a driver in the evening. That's why I like America,' he says. Very friendly. The first question 'You can be what you want. I like the What does she like best? The winter, it was so cold! There was fact that there are people from all space. Here I live in a house with a snow! Now nearly all my family over the world.
In Hong Kong it is so crowded. When I What about the way of life? The also in California, and in Texas. We meet about once a month and the food is from every country in Nobody tells me what to do. Here have a huge Mexican meal that the world. We're all learn to make decisions for happy here. I feel in control. Tell a partner. Discuss with your partner. Two couples, Carol and Mike, and Dave and Alison, talk about their partner's annoying habits. Look at the pictures below.
What are their annoying habits? Correct the false sentences. What are women better at? Maria and Jean-Paul are foreign students in Britain. Their teachers are trying to be friendly. Which conversation is more successful? Find examples of these in the tapescripts on p B 1 What a lovely day it is today! I'm enjoying it. Was it a good game? Yes, no problems. That's very kind of you. I'm very well, thanks. We had a pub lunch and went for a walk.
No, I missed it. The plane was a bit late, but it didn't matter. Makes you feel miserable, doesn't it? Thank you very much. I got it in Paris last year. Yes, it was lovely. It was a bit strange at first, but I'm getting used to it. Beautiful, isn't it?
Practise the conversations with a partner. I'm a spy. I have homes in London, Moscow, and Beijing Stand up! You're all at a party. Try to make some friends. Write the infinitives. Why was Russell the burglars' friend? The burglars' friend IT was 3 o'clock in the morning when four-year- His parents They said, 'Will you open the back door while we take these old Russell Brown woke were fast things to the car, because we don't want to wake Mummy up to go to the toilet.
His parents were fast asleep asleep in bed and Daddy, do we? But when he heard a held the door open for them. Russell showed them, He then went back to bed. The two men carried these got up the next day. His There he found two men. Russell also father said, 'I couldn't be They asked him his name, told them that his mother angry with Russell because he and told him they were kept her purse in a drawer in thought he was doing the friends of the family.
Russell even gave them Fortunately, the police believed them. They asked his pocket money - 50p. How do we form the question and negative? He woke up at 3. How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in a 1 Because he wanted to go to the toilet.
Why did he wake up? When do we double the final consonant? There is a list of irregular verbs on p Grammar Reference 3. Making connections : Match the verb phrases.
Then make sentences using both verbs in the past. Join the sentences with so, because, and, or but. I broke a cup, but I mended it with glue. Talking about you 2 Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Make more questions, using the Past Simple.
What did you do Kelly Harman 1 away Last Tuesday a on holiday, they man armed with 2 just a hot their teenage hamburger in a daughter alone in bag 1 the house. However, Zoe National Bank at about 1. Things teller a note demanding started to go wrong. He claimed that guests arrived. They 3 he 4 a bomb in furniture, smashed windows, and stole the bag.
The teller said she jewellery. Even so, she the news, they 5 home handed the money to the man. He dropped the bag with immediately. He escaped in a car. Why is this tense used? As he was running out of the bank, 2 How do we make questions and negatives? Everyone was having a good time when suddenly What's the difference between them? Practise the sentences that contain these phrases. I don't know how. It rain and it was cold, and my bed was so warm.
Unfortunately, it began to rain. Getting information Fortunately, I had an umbrella. Unfortunately, it was broken. Fortunately, I met a friend in his car. Unfortunately, his car ran out of petrol. Zoe was staying with friends.
Zoe was staying Tell similar stories around the class. Begin with these sentences. Harman arrive home? At Where was Zoe staying? She was staying with friends. What do you learn from the story that you didn't to a radio play called The perfect crime. The perfect crime 4 Who is Kathy? Who is Bobby?
Why ice Jackson's husband, Henry, was a man of habit. A So it was that at exactly six o'clock in the evemng she was in the kitchen getting a beer for him out of the tndge 7 How do you think she murdered him? She was smiling. Today the routine was going to be 9 Why were all the policemen thirsty? Alice was looking forward to the evemng. She was very happy. She had a beautiful baby sleeping upstairs, a lovely home, and a husband who she adored. Henry opened the door and came into the kitchen.
She turned round to kiss him and give him his beer. Alice had no idea that in the next two minutes her whole life was going to change. But it's just that Kathy and I are in love. Bobby won't miss me, he's too young. She was in a dream. She walked into the living room.
When she returned, Henry was standing with his back to her, drinking his beer She was carrying something heavy. He turned. At first he didn't move, then he fell to the floor. Suddenly Alice began to think very clearly. She took the ice statue back to the living room, and phoned the police. Then she turned up the central heating, and went upstairs 3 She didn't know what he was going to tell to put on some make-up. The police came quickly. Alice screamed. My Henry! Oh 5 She thought for a long time about how to Henry!
Sergeant Taylor, get Mrs 8 Alice hid the murder weapon. Jackson a drink. A brandy with some ice. It's hot in this room. I hope you understand, Mrs Jackson, that What do you think? We must find the murder weapon. Suddenly an arm fell off Alice was smiling. It was melting. Taylor went to the statue and picked up the melting arm.
He broke it into bits and put some into Alice's brandy. Can I have a glass of water, Mrs Jackson? It's so Do you think she got away with the murder? Language work Alice's friends arrived.
Poor Henry! Be careful with the pronunciation. Help yourselves. The statue was now nearly a pool of water on the floor, walk pick hit try 'I wonder what the burglar hit him with,' said one guest. Alice heard this conversation, and smiled into her brandy.
They are used 3 We can make adjectives and verbs to form different parts of speech. There are some Complete the sentences, using a word spelling changes. Noun Verb Noun Adjective pack possible agree tidy fair like appear employed legal polite communication co'mmunicate science dis'cuss friend 'govern 'happy invi'tation 'different de'velop 'danger ex'plain use edu'cation help de'cide 'special en 'joy care 'organize noise im'provement 'industry 1 Don't go into my bedroom.
It's really em 'ploy am'bition 2 I can't do maths. For me, it's an subject. I just prefer 1 My English a lot after I lived in London for a month. I want to be rich, and I want to be to ask someone 4 It's very famous. They aren't 6 I was for two years. Then similar at all. I got a job in an office. I think it's a good idea.
I never saw understand his. You must try it. There are lots of factories That's! What are they? Look at the same dates in written American English. What's the difference? They are in British English. What days are national holidays in your country?
I was born at two o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth of June, Continue around the class. A Yesterday I went shopping and I bought an apple. B Yesterday 1 went shopping and 1 bought an apple and some bread. C Yesterday I went shopping and I bought an apple, some bread, and a car. D Yesterday It is Saturday morning, and Sarah has written a shopping list. V It says here milk. How much milk do we need?
S Two pints. V And eggs? S A dozen. V And what about potatoes? How many potatoes? S A kilo's enough. V And butter? How much? S Just one packet. Can we count eggs one egg, two eggs?
When do we say How much? When do we say How many? V Do we need anything else? S Let's have a look. And there isn't any We use S Well, I can see a few carrots, a few but there aren't many onions. The rules are the same as for some and any. I think that's any exercise 3. Let's go! By the way, how much money have you got? Grammar Reference 4. Just half a dozen. Two or three. He's a millionaire.
Half a spoonful. Ask and answer 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word. I met. There's in my eye! I looked , but I couldn't find them. I didn't have any money. I want interesting to read, or interesting to talk to, or interesting to go.
Listen and check. Town survey 6 Work in groups. Talk about the good things and bad things about living in your town. Make a list. Compare your list with the class. M y uncle's a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the River Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything!
The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice- 1 Find examples of the definite article the cream on their way home from school.
My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He hasn't 2 Find examples of when there is no article. He is one of the happiest men I know. She's accountant. I stay at. Does anything surprise you? What do you want to find out when you read the article? Write some questions. What is the best summary of the article? Nowy Swiat is the best shopping street in the world because What can't you buy?
What isn't expensive? Language work Complete the sentences with different ideas from the article. In Nowy Swiat, there are a lot o f. There isn't any There are some Think of clothes, food, cars Work in groups and choose the most famous three. What can you buy there that's special? What do you like shopping for? What don't you like shopping for? A new survey shows that the most popular shopping street in the world is Nowy Swiat. Where's that?
In Warsaw, Poland, of course. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. Not everything is expensive. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods - handbags, purses, coats, and belts. Cepelia specializes in folk art. There are also book shops and record means New World.
An incredible goods. They are good because shops. And there are a lot of 14, Poles walk down this they are not mass produced for small boutiques that sell men's main street every hour. The Nowy Swiat has a lot of small too expensive. There shops, specialist shops, and chic If you're tired, stop at Cafe are statues, palaces, attractive shops.
It hasn't got the huge Blikle. This is a fashionable town houses, exclusive cafes, department stores that sell the place to meet.