Hell is for heroes the neon handshake rar
Drowned in Sound's 21 Favourite Albums of the Y Drowned in Sound to return as a weekly newsletter. Lou Reed: An Eu-lulu-ogy. DiS meets Panda Bear. The Knife: Swedish purveyors of alien synergy. Radiohead's Kid A - the DiS re-appraisal. DiS Needs You: Save our site ». Please join the conversation over on our new forums » If you really want to read this, try using The Internet Archive. Share on. I suppose that helped to raise our profile enough that when the press did take an interest, they could see that something was going on.
To those watching from the sidelines, and for the band themselves, their success seemed to snowball overnight. I suppose we were signed for about a year before we went and camped out in LA for six months, and set about recording the album. Once they had their producers in place, the rest, as they say, is history.
When the time came to go into Sound City studio, we were big fans of it anyway because it was home to some pretty big records. We were aware that it had an incredible drum room and a really beautiful, sought-after mixing desk, so we were really focussed. With the band settled in the studio, the album began to take shape.
It felt like the first five or six songs all meld into each other and all that stuff that came together while we were recording it. The running order seemed to just take care of itself because of the way the recordings were turning out. It was very focussed work. Not that focussed, though. As soon as we landed, we dumped all our stuff and went to The Rainbow, and were drinking so much that the barmaid ended up not being able to serve anyone else because we were going through rounds so quick. There was us, five slightly polite English guys going nuts, and then all these hair metallers around us just posing.
I think we ended up getting a little bit of a reputation for being caners, which we kind of encouraged as well. Just being given the opportunity to make an album exactly as we wanted to make it, and then not mucking up that opportunity was our main ambition. And then when we came back to England with it we just wanted to play as many shows as we could, hoping to get quite high up in the tent at Reading Festival, for example.