Lockout status tool windows 8

System Requirements Supported Operating System. Install Instructions Click the Download link to start the download. In the File Download dialog box, select Save this program to disk. Select a location on your computer to save the file, and then click Save. In Windows Explorer, go to the location where you saved the downloaded file, double-click the file to start the installation process, and then follow the instructions. The downloaded file is a Microsoft Software Installer.

Turn on auditing for both successful and failed events. Using the account lockout and management tool: Run the LockoutStatus. Enter the domain name. Click OK to see the lockout status of the user you selected. The following details will be displayed: User State — Tells you if the account is locked. Lockout Time — Time at which the account got locked out. Org Lock — Domain Controller in which the lockout happened. Finding the source of the lockout: Go to the domain controller that the lockout status displayed.

The log details of the user account's lockout event will show the caller computer name. Go to this caller computer , and search the logs for the source of this lockout. The freeware enables you to do the following:. This simple utility tries to track the origin of Active Directory bad password attempts and lockouts. It will then parse any related events on each domain controller and work out where the origin of the lockout came from. After that, it analyzes each machine and outputs and the common causes of account lockouts that are present e.

Using the following PowerShell script, you can easily filter the event log for events that are related to a certain account and try to figure out what caused its lockout:. You can also use Get-UserLockoutStatus function to troubleshoot persistent account lockout problems.

The function searches all domain controllers for a user in a domain for account lockout status: bad password count, last bad password time, and when the password was set last. You can find the full code here. However, there are some paid tools such as the Manage Engine and Jiji account lockout tools.

Maybe you can recommend one? Which account lockout troubleshooting free tool do you use? Discover more free tools for IT admins in our recent article.


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