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Then I had an idea: what if the first and last verses had no drums, no guitars, no bass? Just epic synth chords. The prologue and the epilogue, so to speak. We tried it out straight away and immediately the song was more dynamic, the words more expressive. That whole song — music and lyrics — sprang into life in one afternoon in the rehearsal room.
Our vocalist Gabriele Kerner was immediately hooked. We were all convinced we had created something special. They had no intention of releasing the song as a single.
How could a song like that ever be successful on the radio? Later I transposed the song into E Major to give a better range for the singer and the guitar. But for now, I was in a hurry to record the melody and harmonies that had been going around in my head as I drove to the studio. First I programmed a simple beat and sequence on my Fricke Step Sequencer. Then played over that live on my Oberheim OB-X and recorded it all together on two tracks of a Tascam 4 Track cassette recorder.
Then I overdubbed the chords on the remaining two tracks. Then let me sing you a song. For the legendary funky instrumental section that follows, Uwe created the iconic riff on his Oberheim OB-X Synthesizer. The early 80s saw the emergence of a new German language pop music culture, centred on West Berlin, that for quality and innovation could finally hold its own with Anglo-American imports.
For the first time young German bands were breaking into the charts and reaching a wider audience. Innovation was the order of the day. They were now, at the start of the 80s, looking for their big break in the booming Berlin music scene. It came from an unexpected source. The album had flopped and the band had fallen out. A number of musicians recommended Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen, who already had a reputation in Berlin as an innovator. General Comment thank god somebody knows what it means and also this was near the end of Berlin Wall which was cool bornonaugust10th on March 08, Link.
General Comment See, the thing is that the German translation is almost nothing like the English Version. The English Version Barely touches on half the stuff the German one did It meant something else. Kind of funny, huh? General Comment you DD dancer they always do that when they translate things for us americans if you translate some of the grimm fairy tales you will find that these tales are quite gruesome like the mom who chopped up her son and buried him under a tree.
General Comment Man I feel so ignorant now.. I didn't know what this song was about until I heard the Goldfinger cover.. Their first child died after 11 months. Two years later in , Nena restarted her solo career.
She eventually had two more children, twins Larissa and Sakias, with Freitag. Nena , a rerecording of the original bands biggest hits from back in the day. Since Nena ft. Nena , she has had continued high placement on the charts. Portuguese nyuu 5. Romanian Argonaut. Russian krutykrtek 4. Russian Vidyarthi. Serbian Zeljko Spanish saturnus Spanish Kali Transliteration mk Turkish nikkirulez 4.
Turkish ouacarli. Turkish dunkelheit. Please help to translate "99 Luftballons". Collections with "99 Luftballons". The source lyrics have been updated.