Wifi association timeout
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Question feed. The SSID and Passwords on all devices in my home were set and working totally fine before, so why all of a sudden would rebooting a few access points cause problems? If you are in control of the wireless devices that connect to your network like a home network or a small office then this is completely within your power to fix.
The Unifi Network Controller software does not give you any tools or logs to help you here. I used the Unifi Network Controller Client list to go through them one at a time and check them manually. But recently, it was that darned iPad Pro!
Typing in the same password did not allow the device to connect either time. Disabled flexconnect local-switching IP-source-guar Disabled FlexConnect Local Authentication Enabled Client MFP Optional PMF Disabled AVC Visibilty None Flow Monitor Name Disabled Call Snooping Disabled Assisted Roaming Prediction Optimization Enabled Disabled Multicast Buffer Disabled Universal Ap Admin Disabled Broadcast Tagging QoS Fastlane Status Disable Selective Reanchoring Status So because of that, there is a dropping of connection.
Device is in zone where both APs have very similar signal strengh. Question is , how to ensure stable connection to one AP I have there more APs, so problem will have all of them or what I should to configure for fast transmintion from one AP to another? I found out That's one big problem. As you said if client does not support the feature there's just a feel AP can do. Roaming is a client decision not AP. This way trying to influence on the roaming process. Alos, try to work with the latest client drive.
If they support CCX4 or better this would allows client to be smarter and understands AP messages better. Although , the AP coverage area needs to be optimized during the design and deploymet phase , yet , we can try to optimize this using the settings on WLC to an extent. In this case, decreasing the AP coverage area may help. For that, you need to disable the lower data rates for This way, the APs will have smaller cells and with less overlap.
In addition to that , you can also play around a bit with the hysteris and RSSI values that Flavio has mentioned. It is enough to disable low data rates. If you put 12 MBps as the mandatory data rate and above data rates as supported, automatic you are disabling This is a good practice, although this is will improve performance on the network maybe this will not solve roaming problem. The number of challenge responses would not be an issue in this scenario. That's something between the Radius server and the WLC.
Keep 12 mbps as mandatory and rest all enabled. You can do the same under Disable the couple of lower rates and keep 18 mbps as mandatory. This will shrink the cell size coverage area of each AP. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.